
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A bird's-eye view / Aerial view / Worm's-eye view - The term a worm's-eye view is a controversial term.

A bird's-eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans, and maps. 

It can be an aerial photograph, but also a drawing. Before manned flight was common, the term "bird's eye" was used to distinguish views drawn from direct observation at high locations (for example a mountain or tower), from those constructed from an imagined (bird's) perspectives. Bird's eye views as a genre have existed since classical times. 

The last great flourishing of them was in the mid-to-late 19th century, when bird's eye view prints were popular in the United States and Europe.

The terms aerial view and aerial viewpoint are also sometimes used synonymous with bird's-eye view.

The term aerial view can refer to any view from a great height, even at a wide angle, as for example when looking sideways from an airplane window or from a mountain top. 

Overhead view is fairly synonymous with bird's-eye view but tends to imply a less lofty vantage point than the latter term. 

For example, in computer and video games, an "overhead view" of a character or situation often places the vantage point only a few feet (a meter or two) above human height.

The Bird's Eye photos are angled at 40 degrees rather than being straight down. Satellite imaging programs and photos have been described as offering a viewer the opportunity to "fly over" and observe the world from this specific angle.

In film-making and video production, a bird's-eye shot refers to a shot looking directly down on the subject. 

The perspective is very foreshortened, making the subject appear short and squat. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasize the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. These shots are normally used for battle scenes or establishing where the character is. It is shot by lifting the camera up by hands or by hanging it off something strong enough to support it. When a scene needs a large area shot, it is a crane shot.

Where as a worm's-eye view is a view of an object from below, as though the observer were a worm; the opposite of a bird's-eye view. 

It can be used to look up to something to make an object look tall, strong, and mighty while the viewer feels child-like or powerless. A worm's eye view commonly uses three-point perspective, with one vanishing point on top, one on the left, and one on the right.

It is a very common technique in paintings. The term a worm's-eye view is a controversial term in real photography or videography (the process or art of making video films) circles, as some argue it cannot technically exist because worm's don't have eyes. More often than not, this technique is considered a modification of a low angle shot.



Fun and entertainment revolves around two aspects in our city one is cinema and the other gossip.

How much fun we have while watching movie in theatres? I would not mind spending a week’s earning in watching movies; that is how stars have become superstars.

Every other house has an aspiring model or a passionate film aspirant; good that’s Tamil nadu and that’s India; here especially in the metro we have the second best interest shown in gossiping. 

I remember recently my friend planned a trip to Coonnor, Ooty. He invited me and mentioned that the sole purpose of the trip is to gossip. How reasonable and what a purpose!

So, that way we indulge a lot in cinemas; some of the films that fascinated me and many others would include ‘3 idiots’ the way young Amir Khan had performed was truly remarkable then ‘Burlesque’ was a fantastic movie around Cristina Aguliara, then the movie ‘KO’ was again a good movie and ‘Dear John’, watching ‘If only’ was a treat. 

The film ‘Jodha Akbar’ I have not seen ‘Akbar’ but the way Hrithik Roshan has delivered the performance, I would say he has lived in it.

I had lot of free time so it permitted me to watch the movie 'Avan Ivan' today this has nothing to do with the few best watch I have mentioned previously. First of all I have no clue why this guy had to pose himself a squint? Oh! You have not watched the movie huh better be it. Vishal acted cross eyed. It seems the shooting went on for 200 days and this poor soul kept his eyes in a weird manner till then.

I brought/bought back nothing, not a smile, not a heart break, no joy, no fun, just head ache. I had to unwind my misery by watching the movie ‘3 idiots’ no comparison - mind you!
I have always been a critic; I watched ‘Ponnar- shankar’, then ‘Azhagar samiyin kudhirai’, 'Kaden’. Is Tamil cinema going to dogs? I eagerly wait for ‘Deiva thirumagan’ hoping Vikarm would not let us down.

Life, love, lust, sex are common and similar terms

Only 17% of women are likely to have an orgasm during sex (Durex Global Sex Survey).

  • According to a survey of sex shop owners, cherry is the most popular flavor of edible underwear.
  • A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen, containing half a trillion sperm, in his lifetime.
  • 48% of 9,100 men polled on an online dating site say they too have faked an orgasm.
  • In ancient Greece and Rome dildos were carved out of everything they could get their hands on from wood, glass, leather, gold, silver and even animal horns.
  • The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties.
  • A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.
  • John Harvey Kellogg invented corn flakes as a meatless breakfast food, designed to reduce the sexual drive.