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Showing posts from March, 2008

Hair styling tips 1

ON HAIR STYLING.... Calming Bang Cowlicks One of the most effective techniques for dealing with cowlicks at the bang area is to try drying the bangs forward with a vent or round brush so that the cowlick will be weighted down. Another technique is to have a hairstyle that incorporates the cowlick into the style thereby creating lift at the cowlick. Use styling tools to support either styling technique. Curling Iron Styling If you want a longer hold when you style with a curling iron try spraying hairspray BEFORE curling hair. Styling With Hot Rollers When using hot rollers spray dry hair first with a "working" hairspray. Take your first section and comb it smooth, spray with hairspray and then twist the section before wrapping on the roller. This will give a spiral look to your curls. After rollers have cooled take out rollers and spray with a "working" hairspray. Finally turn head upside down and run your fingers through your hair. Hair Splits At Crown Area This pr...

Diet, Health, and Fitness tips

"How to Lose Weight and Be In The Best Shape of Your Life!" More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body possible. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape. While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently, a professional baseball player died at the age of 23. In his locker, a bottle was discovered containing Ephedrine. Consequently, the FDA just issued a warning that people need to heed. Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for diet, health, and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintai...

Attributes of a Good Manager ( i )

10 Good Qualities Of a Manager: 1 Choose a field thoughtfully 2 Hire carefully and be willing to fire 3 Create a productive environment 4 Define success. Make it clear to your employees 5 You have to like people and be good at communicating 6 Develop your people to do their jobs better than you can 7 Give people a sense of the importance of what they're working on - its importance to the company, its importance to customers 8 Don't make the same decision twice 9 Let people know whom to please. Maybe it's you, maybe it's your boss 10 Enthusiasm - Plain and simple, we don't like leaders who are negative - they bring us down We want leaders with enthusiasm Thanks & Regards.

English Edification Enrichment (13)

What is the origin of "honeymoon"? In the old days people wanted their marriage to start on a sweet note. It was therefore customary for newlyweds to drink mead ( Mead  is an alcoholic beverage created by fermenting honey with water, and frequently fruits, spices, grains ) for a month.The "moon" refers to the period of thirty days or one month that the couple was expected to drink the mead. After the first month, the couples came face to face with reality; they realized that their affection, like the moon, would wax and wane. By the way, the word "honeymoon" need not always be used to refer to the holiday that newly married couples take immediately after marriage. The term is now being used to refer to an early stage in any activity when people are happy with each other because everything is going smoothly. Here are a few examples, * The President's honeymoon period with the press is over. * The honeymoon between my boss and me still continues. * The ...

English Edification Enrichment (12)

What is the meaning and origin of the expression "once in a blue moon"? When something happens "once in a blue moon" it happens very rarely. Here are a few examples, * My brother George lives in Russia. I see him once in a blue moon. * We have visitors once in a blue moon. * How often does Tendulkar come to office? Once in a blue moon. There are several explanations as to the origin of this expression. According to scientists, whenever a volcano erupts, the sulphur and dust particles that are thrown up into the atmosphere often cause the moon to appear blue for some time. When the volcano on Krakatoa (an island between Java and Sumatra) exploded in 1883, rocks were hurled thirty miles high into the air and dust from the volcano fell nearly three thousands miles away. After this eruption the moon looked blue for several days. Luckily for us, volcanoes don't erupt every day, so a blue moon continues to be a rare phenomenon. Another explanation offered by scholar...

English Edification Enrichment (11)

What does “goldbricking” mean? It means to be lazy. To avoid doing one's duty. * Like our Government officials ! I wish somebody would tell these people to stop goldbricking and do some work for a change. * Goldbricking is what our politicians are born to do. Even those who are not goldbrickers become one. A goldbricker is someone who spends his time doing nothing. * Madhu is such a goldbricker. * If you think he is a goldbricker, you should meet his brother. We've talked about ‘goldbricking’ and ‘goldbricker’. Does the word `goldbrick' exist? Yes, it does. A ‘goldbrick’ is someone who is very lazy. * Stop wasting your time and get back to work you goldbrick. * Our cable operator is such a goldbrick. Thanks & Regards

English Edification Enrichment (10)

How is the word "vivacious" pronounced? The "i" in the first syllable is like the "i" in "hit", "bit", and "sit", while the following "a" sounds like the "ay" in "say", "day", and "pay". The "c" is pronounced like the "sh" in "sheep", "ship", and "shout" and the final "iou" is like the "a" in "china". The main stress, by the way, is on the second syllable. When you say that something is vivacious, what you mean is that it is full of life; it is full of energy. The word is generally used with women. Here are a few examples, * Simmy's daughter is a vivacious little thing. * Martina's vivacious manner put some life into the drab meeting. * Not many people consider Patna to be a vivacious city. Thanks & Regards

English Edification Enrichment (9)

What is the difference between "appraise" and "apprise"? When you "appraise" someone of something, you provide the individual with an estimate of the value of something. In other words, you are judging the object's worth. The "a" in the first syllable of "appraise" is like the "a" in "china", while the second syllable is pronounced like the word "praise". The stress is on the second syllable. * Ricky appraised the car carefully before offering to buy it. * The expert appraised the painting at half what I had paid for it. When you "apprise" someone of something, you inform him of it. This is a word that is used in formal contexts and is generally considered to be old fashioned. The "a" in the first syllable is like the "a" in "china", while the second syllable is pronounced like the word "prize". The stress once again is on the second syllable. * The Pri...

English Edification Enrichment (8)

What is the meaning and origin of "scot-free"? When you say that someone escaped "scot-free" what you are implying is that the individual escaped a tricky situation without being punished or harmed. The expression carries with it a sense of dissatisfaction. You feel that the individual deserved to be punished, but he wasn't. Here are a few examples, * His father is a politician and so he got off scot-free. * Sam got away scot-free because people refused to testify. * Ruskin made sure that Jyothi didn't get off scot-free. Many people think that the "scot" used in the expression refers to the people in Scotland. It doesn't. "Scot" is the old word for what we today call "tax". So in the old days when you got off "scot-free" you got off "tax-free". In other words, you escaped without having to pay your taxes. Nowadays, it's only politicians who manage to escape scot-free! Thanks & Regards

English Edification Enrichment (7)

What is the meaning of "drive someone round the bend"? When you "drive" or "send someone round the bend" you make him really angry by doing something which annoys him. It is an expression mostly used in informal contexts. It is also possible to say "round the twist". Here are a few examples, * His wife's constant whining was driving Richard round the bend. * The heat and the frequent power cuts were driving Nancy round the bend. * The leaky faucet was sending Claire round the bend. Thanks & Regards

English Edification Enrichment (6)

What is the meaning of "Would you like to powder your nose"? This is a question that is often asked of ladies. When somebody asks a woman whether she would like to powder her nose, what the person wants to know is whether she would like to use the bathroom. Native speakers of English don't ask you directly whether you would like to use the bathroom. It is considered impolite to do so. As a result, they ask the question in a roundabout way. "Would you like to freshen up" "Would you like to wash your hands" Unlike the earlier question, these can be posed to both men and women. What is the difference between "due to" and "owing to"? As far as the meaning is concerned there is no difference. Both "due to" and "owing to" can be used to mean "because of". Many people use the two words interchangeably. Here are a few examples, * Owing to/Due to bad weather, all flights were cancelled. * Ramesh was late, owin...

English Edification Enrichment (5)

What is the meaning of "chock-a-block"? This is an expression, which is mainly used in informal contexts. Chock-a-block means, "completely full; tightly packed".The expression is usually followed by "with". The main stress is on "block". The first word "chock" is pronounced like the first syllable of "chocolate". Here are a few examples, * The cupboard was chock-a-block with hundred rupee notes. * I wouldn't go there now. The place will be chock-a-block with tourists. * On Friday evening, Ashok's house was chock-a-block with guests. Thanks & Regards

English Edification Enrichment (4)

What is the meaning and origin of "between Scylla and Charybdis? First, let's deal with the pronunciation of the two words. The "sc" in "Scylla" is pronounced like the "s" in "sit", "sip", and "set", while the following "y" is like the "i" in "it", "is", and "hit". The final "a" is like the "a" in "china". The main stress is on the first syllable. The "ch" in "Charybdis" is pronounced like the "k" in "kit", "kill", and "kiss". The following "a" is like the "a" in "china", while the "y" and the final "i" are like the "i" in "kit", "pit", and "sit". The main stress is on the second syllable. Scylla and Charybdis are two rocks located in a narrow sea passage in the Straits of Messina. Scylla i...

English Edification Enrichment (2)

What is the difference between a "lawyer" and an "attorney"? People in general tend to use the two words interchangeably. But I understand that there is a difference between the two. A "lawyer" is someone who knows the law and has been admitted to the bar. He advises his clients about their legal rights and often pleads their cases in a court of law. In the strictest sense an attorney need not be a lawyer; in other words, he need not be someone who practices law. An "attorney" is someone empowered to act in a legal capacity on someone's behalf. For example, when you give the power of attorney to someone, you are authorizing the individual to act on your behalf. This individual need not be a lawyer; he could be anyone - your brother, husband or friend. If you wish to use the word "attorney" to mean "lawyer", then the correct term is "attorney at law". Remember the famous Perry Mason? He was an "Attorney a...

"nevertheless'' and "nonetheless''? English Edification Enrichment

How is the word ''malevolence'' pronounced? The "a", the "o", and the second "e" are pronounced like the "a" in "china". The "e" in the second syllable "le" sounds like the "e" in "set", "bet", and "pet". The final "e" is silent and the main stress is on the second syllable. Any idea what the word means? When you say that someone is "malevolent" what you mean is that he is spiteful; the person wishes to harm others. Here are a few examples. * The villain gave the old man a malevolent look.* The malevolence that was displayed was frightening. * The bombing was an act of malevolence. What is the difference between "nevertheless'' and "nonetheless''? As far as the meaning is concerned, there is no difference. The two words can be used interchangeably to mean "in spite of". * Venkatesh hadn't trained for ...

What does `viz' stand for ? English Edification Enrichment (3)

What does `viz' stand for? Viz. is the abbreviated form of the Latin "videlicet". The "i" in "viz" is pronounced like the "i" in "bit", "it" and "pit". The word is normally employed in formal writing and is used to expand on or clarify what has already been said. The word can be replaced by "namely", and in speech most people tend to say "namely" rather than "viz". Here are a few examples. * The Department offers two modules in Teaching English as a Second Language, viz. Applied Linguistics, and Principles of Language Teaching. * I want to talk about a major threat facing our society, viz. global warming. Thanks & Regards

Health tips 1

Eight glasses of water maintains the body temparature. Water clences the body and keeps the skin healthy as skin is the largest organ in the human body. Avoid wearing headphones for long time as it can increase the bacteria in ears by seven hundred times. Best remedy to avoid or prevent storke is having green bananas every day. For healthy body and healthier mind exercises until you sweat completely.