
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

'Pushover’ and ‘Push over’ English Edification Enrichment (36)

What does ‘pushover’ and ‘push over’ mean?

When you say that someone is a ‘pushover’ what you mean is that the individual can be easily influenced or won over. He can be easily got around. For example,

* Getting money from Adam is very easy. He is such a pushover.

* My school principal, Mrs.Janet, is no pushover.

* Many people thought the West Indies would be a pushover. But they managed to defeat us in the series.

What does ‘push over’ mean?

When you push someone over, you knock him down. For example,

* The students were in such a hurry to get out that they nearly pushed the teacher over.

* The thief pushed the tables over and escaped.

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