
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Full of Energy"

English Edification Enrichment-
How is the word "vivacious" pronounced?
The "i" in the first syllable is like the "i" in "hit", "bit", and "sit", while the following "a" sounds like the "ay" in "say", "day", and "pay". The "c" is pronounced like the "sh" in "sheep", "ship", and "shout" and the final "iou" is like the "a" in "china". The main stress, by the way, is on the second syllable. When you say that something is vivacious, what you mean is that it is full of life; it is full of energy. The word is generally used with women. Here are a few examples.

* Sarita's daughter is a vivacious little thing.
* Malini's vivacious manner put some life into the drab meeting.
* Not many people consider Patna to be a vivacious city.

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