
Sunday, February 27, 2011

“the telephone has been ringing off the hook” mean

English Edification Enrichment-

What does “the telephone has been ringing off the hook” mean?

It means that the phone has been ringing non stop. When you say that the phone has been ringing off the hook what it means is that it has been ringing constantly. Here's an example.

* Whenever Achala is at home the phone keeps ringing off the hook.

* When I entered the house this morning the phone was ringing off the hook.

* Ever since people came to know that Mr. Sunderam has been nominated for an award, his phone has been ringing off the hook.

What does “grungy” mean?

The ‘u’ is pronounced like the ‘u’ in ‘cut’, ‘but’, and ‘hut’ and the final ‘g’ is like the ‘j’ in ‘jug’, ‘juice’, and ‘joy’. When you say that something is `grungy' it means it is smelly and dirty.

* Can I say that your kitchen is grungy?

* My kitchen is definitely not grungy! You get your grungy feet off the sofa.

* I don't like going to the new Udipi restaurant. There is always some grungy stuff on the table.

* It is also possible to say there's always grunge on the table.

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