
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Underarm Temperature Reading

Taking the temperature of child presents a number of choices as well as some minor difficulties. There are a number of ways through which you can take the temperature of a child. The most popular amongst these methods are rectal method, auxiliary method and oral method. The method to be used mainly depends upon the age of the child. In this article, we will tell you all about taking infant temperature reading.

Things Needed

Mercury/Digital Thermometer
Petroleum Jelly

Rectal Method

Rectal method is recommended for taking temperature of infants under three months.
Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.

Dab a little petroleum jelly or any other lubricator on the tip of the thermometer. This is to ensure that the tip easily slides inside the butt.

Make your child lie face down on your lap or on a flat surface (I would suggest your lap).

Separate the buttocks of the baby and gently insert the tip of the thermometer inside the anal opening.

Insert the thermometer till its bulb or silver tip is completely covered or stops being visible.

Hold the buttocks of the baby with one hand, placing the thermometer between your fingers. This will ensure that the thermometer remains at its place.

Keep sitting in the position for 3-5 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.

Gentle take out the thermometer from the anal opening and record the temperature immediately.

Auxiliary (Underarm) Method

Auxiliary method, in which the thermometer is placed inside the underarm, is best for recording temperature of children who are 3 months to 4 years old.

Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.

Remove your child’s shirt as well as vest. Now, clean his armpit and let it dry.

Place the thermometer under the arm of the baby and hold it down.

Keep on holding his arm, to make sure that the thermometer remains in place.

Keep sitting in the position for 3-5 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.

Gentle take out the thermometer from the underarm and record the temperature immediately.

Oral Method

The oral method of taking temperature is made use of, in children above four years of age.

Take temperature atleast 20 to 30 minutes after your child has had something to eat or drink.

Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.

Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue of the child. Ask him to press together his lips in such a way that the thermometer remains in place.

Tell him not to bite the thermometer and breathe through his nose and keep quiet.

Make him stay in the position for 1-2 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.

Gentle take out the thermometer from the mouth and record the temperature immediately.

How to Interpret Your Child's Temperature

While interpreting your child’s temperature, keep the following tips in mind.

In case of rectal method, the temperature should be below 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Celsius).

In case of auxiliary method, the temperature should be below 99° Fahrenheit (37.2° Celsius).

In case of oral method, the temperature should be below 99.5° Fahrenheit (37.5° Celsius).

If you child’s temperature is at or above the above-mentioned limits, it means that he has fever. Consult a doctor immediately.


Make sure to wash the tip of thermometer with soap and water after every use.

In case of digital thermometer, read the instructions carefully before use.

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