
Sunday, August 12, 2012

“goldbricking” mean

English Edification Enrichment-

What is the origin of "honeymoon"?
In the old days people wanted their marriage to start on a sweet note. It was therefore customary for newlyweds to drink mead for a month. Mead was a drink made from honey. The "moon" refers to the period of thirty days or one month that the couple was expected to drink the mead. After the first month, the couples came face to face with reality; they realized that their affection, like the moon, would wax and wane. By the way, the word "honeymoon" need not always be used to refer to the holiday that newly married couples take immediately after marriage. The term is now being used to refer to an early stage in any activity when people are happy with each other because everything is going smoothly. Here are a few examples.
*   The President's honeymoon period with the press is over.
*   The honeymoon between my boss and me still continues.
*   The allegations made it clear that the honeymoon stage was over.

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