
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Toddler Overeating

Sometimes, we find that our little toddler is eating more than we do. We can call this habit as overeating, but the point is ‘Is it really overeating?”. At several times in childhood, habit of overeating develops in a child and doctors assert it as part of ‘growth spurt’. Many a times, growth is not accomplished gradually, but rather in spurts. At such times, it is absolutely normal for a child to consume more than an adult, because he is not only required to meet maintenance and energy necessities, but also energy growth requirements.

Keep a Track of Growth and Diet

If the toddler’s weight and height are increasing, then he needs to have more food. Parents can consult the doctor about the child’s eating pattern and if the case is not of ‘growth spurt’, then a limit must be made to toddler’s intake of food. A limit doesn’t mean to keep your child on a diet, but it’s to keep a track of his meals and what all he prefers to eat. Incase the child is more inclined towards junk and fatty foods, then set a limit or else it could cause obesity later. Give him healthy foods and you can do this easily by avoiding junk and bringing healthy foods at home.

Schedule Meals Properly

Make a chart of what to give him for eating at times in a day. You can give him proper meal and snacks at other times. Keep in mind that the food you’re offering is enough to satisfy his hunger. Don’t make a gap of more than 3 to 4 hours between meals and snacks. Snacks must also be gratifying, so that the child doesn’t get too hungry before the next meal Otherwise, he will again overeat the next time. A significant contribution would be made by healthy snacks to meet the nutritional requirements of child.

Keep the Child Busy

Fat in form of cheese or peanut butter can also be given, together with fruits or crackers. Since fat takes times to get digested, it would leave the child satisfied for long. For meals, pass a little time before giving him the second morsel. Keep the child busy in table conversation or coloring the books, and ascertain if he is still hungry. Teach the toddler to eat slowly and attentively, as this will gradually make him aware of controlled eating. Give him good choices for eating so that he loves home-made food instead crave for market’s junk.

Don’t Say No to Dessert

Desserts can also be included in the child’s meal, they provide substantial nutrition. Custard, made of skimmed milk, is rich in protein and calcium and can make delicious treat for your kid. A healthy and yummy breakfast can be made with blueberry crisp, with a topping of oats and whole wheat. Offer nutritious food to your child and be tension-free as regards his eating. Proper nutrition is essential for the child and starving him from that doesn’t solve any purpose. Thus, always give you child food that meets the recommended daily values for nutrients.

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