
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Being Captain Kirk

He had to change being Captain Kirk, to meeting Captain Kirk. Upon meeting Kirk, Pausch realized that Kirk wasn't the smartest on the Star Ship Enterprise, that honor probably went to Spock. Kirk was not the doctor or the engineer, like McCoy or Scottie. Captain Kirk did have something special though -- unique, leadership abilities.

"It's cool to meet your boyhood idol, but it's even cooler when he comes to you to see what cool stuff you're doing," said Pausch, as William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk, came to his Entertainment Technology Center to see which of the Sci Fi gadgets predicted in Star Wars had actually come to our planet.

In addition to head fakes, Pausch made frequent references to the brick wall, which he said is erected in everyone's path in order to give us a chance to show how badly we want something by getting around it.

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