
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

What is Work-life balance? Why it is important? Let us split this in to 5 segments 5 ways to maintain work-Life balance.

What is work-life balance, and why is it important?

How the work we do for a living takes priority over everything else in our lives. How our want to excel professionally can push us to go to any length damaging our well-being.

Work-life balance is the state of evenness where an individual equally prioritizes the requirements of his or her career and the requirements of one's personal life.

What causes work-life imbalance?
Who or what is the culprit?

The causes are -
Accountability at work
Being the only provider at home
Long hours spent at work

Who or what is the culprit?

Over two decades before, I remember this supervisor to whom I used to report was so much against employee’s well-being. One day when I was leaving after my day’s work at around 630 pm the supervisor casually asked if I am going home straight? I mentioned I am heading to the gym for a workout from the very next day he mailed everyone to assemble for a meeting at 630pm. How is this?Employers should offer flexible work schedules which could help employees have a better work-life balance; by this the company could have loyal and productive workforce.
Let us split this in to 5 segments
5 ways to maintain work-Life balance

Number 1 - Work-life balance depends on the nature of your work -

A rigid schedule could be monotonous. Depending on the entitled designation. Some days your workload could be more, other days you might have more time to pursue your hobbies or spend time with family and friends. Every day is not Sunday. Work – Life Balance is achieved over time. 
Don’t imagine that regularly you should have a busy day at work, then leaving early to spend the rest of the day with friends and family. While this may sound good, but it is not always possible. Gone are the days where work was in that method.
Remember - Things work out best for those who make the best of how things workout.
Depending on your responsibilities situation would call you for immediate attention. At home your children may need you, and at times last minute travel for work, so allowing yourself to stay flexible by quick thinking by planning and assessing your needs on a day to day basis is the key in finding a balance." 

Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.

Stay balanced.

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