
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Improving the Chances of Surviving Breast Cancer

Screening cannot be encouraged enough. It may be the single most important way to improve your chances of surviving if you get breast cancer. Beyond that, work with your doctor and commit wholeheartedly to your agreed upon treatment plan, to get the best results. Believe in yourself and keep a positive attitude, one of the best tools at your disposal. You should also watch your weight. Women who carry extra pounds when diagnosed with breast cancer, or who put on weight during treatment, seem to have increased breast cancer recurrence and mortality. On the other hand, a few hours of regular exercise a week has been shown to improve breast cancer survival rates in women being treated for the disease.

Difficult as it may seem if you are being treated for breast cancer, find time to exercise, and try to keep your weight under control. Reflect on this: After battling with breast cancer, the last thing you would want to do is face heart disease, which kills more women in the United States than breast cancer.

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