Ten Adi Dravidar girls are currently being trained to become pilots at the cost of Rs.10 lakh each, while 50 Adi Dravidar girls are being trained to become air hostesses at the total cost of Rs. one crore, on behalf of the Department of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, Food Minister said.
A Good Manager (1st part) A good manager has at least 10 good qualities The attributes of a good manager. There isn't a magic formula for good management, of course, but if you're a manager, perhaps these tips will help you be more effective: 1 Choose a field thoughtfully. Make it one you enjoy. It's hard to be productive without enthusiasm. This is true whether you're a manager or employee; 2 Hire carefully and be willing to fire. You need a strong team, because a mediocre team gives mediocre results, no matter how well managed it is. One mistake is holding on to somebody who doesn't measure up. It's easy to keep this person on the job because he's not terrible at what he does. But a good manager will replace him or move him to where he can succeed unambiguously; 3 Create a productive environment. This is a particular challenge because it requires different approaches depending on the context. Sometimes you maximise productivity by giving everybody his or h...
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