
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Conformity - Word Wrap

Conformity - Noun

Compliance with standards, rules, or laws.
Behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions.

 Adherence to, adaptation to, obedience to, accordance with …

following the crowd, running with the pack, swimming with the stream

eccentricity, rebellion

Examples of Conformity in a sentence
Conformity to regulations
Conformity with the law
In school, the teachers require us to walk in a straight line 

of conformity from class to class.
In a way, Facebook causes some people to adhere to conformity by 

liking posts simply because others have favored the same post.
A word of praise or an encouraging smile provide rewards 

for conformity to social norms
Related forms
Suffix and Prefix

anticonformity, noun, plural anticonformities.
hyperconformity, noun
preconformity, noun
semiconformity, noun
superconformity, noun

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