
Monday, July 27, 2020

5 reasons to love your husband better.

How to multiply Love, Devotion and Celebration. I want to share my life story and many other true love and relationship stories and secrets behind this celebration. The “ Adam ate the apple our tooth still ache” thing. We all have different love stories but the feeling called Love is the same.  let us fall in love one more time.

5 Reasons To Love Your Man better
How did you fall in Love ? 
Did you follow a set rule, or did you follow your mother, or your heart for that matter?
Love is a beautiful emotion which cannot be fed. Love comes naturally to us, it is spontaneous. You don’t love your man because someone forced you to love him. You need to get that feeling from inside; you should feel that the man deserves your love.
Once you are in that kind of emotional attachment, you don’t have to search for answers outside. Ask yourself, “How to love my husband”, and you know how you can do it. However, over the years some common traits have emerged from women who have been madly in love with their husbands.
In our segment let me share 5 reasons To Love Your man; this segment is compiled with several traits to develop a guide on how to love your husband.  I will tell you how you can try to bring in those feelings once again if there has been some unpleasantness in the relationship.
I remember a quote which I would like to mention and it would be appropriate at this point - A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
5 reasons To Love Your Husband better:
Yes, I say ‘better’ because it is understandable you already love your husband, and you want to develop it further. So, want to know how to love your husband more? Listen to me I have a few easy and practical ones:

Reason -1 
Don’t Love him for a reason let the reason be Love-
Agape is the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God". Do not expect your husband to fulfill all your wants just to get qualified for your Love. Love is not an ATM machine which would transact. Don’t make love a business dealing where you see WIIFM – Whats in it for me.  You got a trip to Maldives with my friends so you start loving him. Love is a beautiful emotion you give it to get it.
“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

5 Reasons To Love Your Husband Better:
Reason -2 

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. 

You are your husbands best friend:

What do best friends do? – They are great listeners, best friends are not judgmental, will be at your side for who you are.
Let your man feel that you are the only person he could approach when he has something to share or look for advice. You can become your  husband’s best friend by gaining his trust, Richard has a friend her name is Afroze Richard could trust her on anything; personal matters, official secrets, anything this would make Richard go in search of Afroze for heart to heart discussion. Imagine if Afroze is not trustworthy every time Richard breaks down in her shoulders and Afroze takes advantage and gossips about him, the communication between the two would stop.   so now what will your man do? Will  go in search of  you for  support because you don’t judge or  criticize him, by being there for him every time.

5 reasons To Love Your Husband better:
Exaggerate your response to his jokes and be amused all the time – I understand not all moments in wedded life are worth celebrating. We might have highs and lows in any relationship, and marriage and family life is no exception. Disagreements, blues, arguments, and clashes but you should still be able to love your husband without tending to trivial matters. You might have all the reasons to end up feeling depressed and disheartened.
Remind yourself to jump back from mood swings and Laugh it out amplify his lame jokes and show that you are thoroughly entertained Cultivate sense of humor, watch comedy movies together, and live in the moment. There could be things that only the two of you understand and laugh at. Remember, a couple that laughs together stays together. You know “Love recognizes no barriers, it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination, full of hope.” Hang on…
5 reasons To Love Your Husband better:
Reason - 4 
Consider his opinion show that it matters:
Certain matters may require your husbands involvement it is not about doubting  your capabilities to take the correct decision; say you have got two job offers and you are pretty clear about which one is right for you, but do not decide before considering  your husband’s opinion he might consider the offers and could give you a new insight.
Use every opportunity to show that you care keep telling him that his judgment always matters to you.
Showing your care for him and his opinions need not wait for an auspicious occasion.
Allow him to speak, and listen to what he is saying. Understand his point of view, instead of jumping to conclusions. In this way, even the biggest differences can be settled agreeably.
You know - “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.”

5 reasons To Love Your Husband better:
Reason - 5
Place You after him –
If it is “first person” “second person” I would say - It is considered conceited kind of showing self – importance to put I first when there are two subjects. That is put you first when you have him. So put him before you.
 “If only”; this topic I am talking isn’t about relationship and it is on survival of the fittest in career guidance or in corporate culture; I would prompt you to “fake it until you make it”. But what we are dealing here is relationship Love and celebration here there is no place for faking a feeling.
Putting him first doesn’t mean that you sacrifice your slice of pizza; hand it over to him and lament.  Think about him before you make a choice or take up a task. Like talking about the menu for the day before you cook, think if he would prefer broccoli or spinach that day. Eating in a restaurant or his preference of a movie or when you are about to change your wardrobe, think, if your man would like it.

Put him first,
Play with him, Dress up the way he likes, Surprise him with a gift, write love letters, to him which would make him feel good about himself. Then you will see a happy man in him and wait; what goes around comes around. 

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