
Monday, May 12, 2008

Police service are a pain nowadays than a boon

Police service are a pain nowadays than a boon; they hamper our work and cause trouble whilst on the go on any busy schedule. They are not hard core performers; this gives them a feeling "you are happy when I suffer"! The police have started to irritate public more these days.

One should come to Chennai-INDIA Koyembedu junction in the morning and see the way police constables take bribe from vegetables vendors. I always wished to take photographs of these cruel acts and publish it! Very soon, one reading this post will see the way the take bribe and misuse their power.

The Police people are under paid but the authority given to them is more, which they don’t deserve. They have zero respect from public; but the fear for them is immense. Let me share my experience with you : I was in Law Enforcement Unit in Singapore for many years.......

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