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Showing posts from 2009


The plank This is the ultimate tummy toner. Lie on the floor, then curl your toes under and raise yourself up on your forearms (this is like a press-up position but rather than your hands, your arms are on the floor). Keeping your body absolutely straight, hold the pose for as long as possible (at first you may not be able to manage a full minute) Side plank To really whittle your waist you need to work the external oblique muscles on the side of your tummy too. From a plank position (above) turn your body to take your weight on one arm. Hold for as long as you can before swapping sides.


Walking lunge Take a large step forward with your right leg, lunging down low until your knee is at 90°. Keep your back leg straight then straighten up, taking your weight on your front leg, before stepping forward with your left leg and repeating the move. This works on every part of your leg, from your bottom down to your calves.


Jumping squats I will say it again and again and again, the jumping squat is one of the best ways to develop your legs and butt The jumping squat works your entire lower body as well as your abs. It also gets your heart rate up which means you will boost your fitness and lose some fat at the same time as developing your legs. And when I say it works your whole lower body I mean it works your WHOLE lower body. The day after your first set of jumping squats you will know what I mean. Your hamstrings and quadriceps will be so stiff you struggle to walk, your calf muscles will be tight and sore and your glutes(The gluteus maximus (or glutæus maximus) is the largest and most superficial of the three gluteal muscles. It makes up a large portion of the shape and appearance of the buttocks) will be all worn out. It is an amazing exercise that every woman should get in to. Jumping squats Keeping your back straight with your feet hip-width apart and arms out straight in front of you, jump up in ...


Sprinting What the…? I hear you all say! Sprinting? Is he crazy? Well, you won’t find this listed at any other fitness info. as a great abs exercise. When I was in sprinting training my abs grew like no other time. It is a mixture of the faster weight loss and the massive amounts of horemones that are released when the fast running is done. Also, the art of running is quite beneficial to the abs. So, next time you are in the mood for some weight loss exercise try a few sessions of sprinting and see whether your abs respond. I bet they do! Sprinting Sprinting is running as fast as you can for a very short time. Its hard to do but a great workout. Walk 2 min then sprint 1min....

Abs :One of the Best Ab Exercises

Bicycle Crunches: One of the Best Ab Exercises Bicycle Crunches are one of my favorite ab exercises and nearly all of my clients do them during their ab workouts. The Bicycle maneuver actually was listed at the top of the list in a scientific study on the most effective abdominal exercises. It's a rhythmic exercise that works all parts of the abs, and my clients can see improvements in their ab strength when they do them consistently. It's one of the best ab exercises.