The wish of every woman is to have a healthy, normal, full term pregnancy, give birth to a healthy, normal birth-weight baby and provide good infant care to her newborn.
Health care in correspondence to individuality
Health care varies from person to person according to age, sex, race, etc., The characteristics of health care are summarized as follows:
Health care during pregnancy and breast feeding:
Health care in pregnant women is most important, very particularly in nutrition, life style, hygiene, prenatal training, emotional attitude, medication and sexual life, especially, sexual life should be restrained.
Be cautious with medication in pregnant women, especially in the first three months, because drugs including herbs and herbal products may have side effects on the cerebral nervous system of fetus.It is also necessary to do proper exercise and outdoor activities, beneficial to regulation of qi and blood.

Health care during the puerperium and breast feeding period is important too. Chinese medicine thinks that qi and blood are greatly consumed after childbirth, and the parturient's body resistance is low. At this time, if a disease occurs, it is difficult for her to shake off in all life. It is necessary to have much nutrition during puerperium, but it is unwise to have too much nutrition. Take nutrient food evenly in the following years. Have a reasonable recipe, especially in the early days after childbirth, when semiliquid diet is given and spicy food is avoided. For example, it is wise to take hen soup, soybean soup, rape, spinach, or bean curd. Pig knuckle soup and crucian carp soup are taken for promotion of lactation.
Pregnant women should have a pleasant mood and harmonious family. Avoid sudden extreme change of mood as it triggers stagnation of liver qi, dysfunction of the zang-fu organs, and disturbance in qi and blood circulation.

New mothers will learn that the two activities that take up most of their time is feeding the baby and cleaning him. You will have to change diapers through the day and night at regular intervals for the first few months. Sometimes you will realize that through the day all you have done is feed and clean the baby and have not found time to do any of the other household chores. The only way to handle this pressure is to be organized and have a system arranging nappies, clothes, changing sheets, wash clothes and everything required by the baby in such a way that you can find it easily. Here are a few suggestions made by some parents:
If your house has more than one floor, establish a 'nappy changing station' on each floor of the house so that you have all the things you need on every floor and you don't have to keep running up and down.
Keep a bag packed and ready with all the necessary baby items so that you can just pick it up and leave when you are going out.
Baby clothes can be put into a bucket of dilute soap solution, as soon as they are soiled and let to soak before washing.
Buy soft muslin that can be used to wipe the baby clean.
The other activity that takes up a lot of your time with a newborn is changing his diapers. You will need sometime to get used to changing diapers. Here is a list of things that you need to keep within reach while changing diapers:
A diaper.
If you are using a cloth diaper you will need fasteners to fasten the diaper and keep it in place.
A bowl of warm water and cotton balls or clean washcloth or diaper wipes if the baby is older. Babies have soft sensitive skin; it would be best to use warm water to wash them.
Nappy rash cream or petroleum jelly for protection against rashes.
A changing mat, cloth or another diaper to place the baby on if you are not using a changing table.
Ensure that all these items are close to you, so that you don't have to leave the baby to get these things.
Wiping Clean: Use a wet washcloth, cotton balls or baby wipes and gently clean your baby. Always clean from front to back. Never wipe from back to front and this will spread bacteria forward from the anus and cause urinary tact infection especially so in girls. You will be able to clean better if you lift your baby's legs. Remember to clean the creases of the buttocks and thighs. While cleaning boys you should cover the penis with a clean washcloth or diaper, as exposure to air causes them to urinate on anything that is within range, which may include you. After wiping them pat dry with clean washcloth and if required apply nappy rash cream.
Disposable Diapers: If you are using disposable diapers here are a few tips you can follow:
Slip the open diaper under the baby while lifting his legs. The adhesive strip at the back must be aligned with the baby's navel.
Bring the front of the diaper between his legs up to his belly.
Bring adhesive strips in front and fasten.
Dispose bowel movements in the toilet before putting diaper into garbage. This not only ensures that the diaper doesn't stink but prevents growth of bacteria.
If the diaper is tight, you will find marks around the baby's legs and waist. Get a larger size the next time.
If your baby is sensitive to a particular brand of diaper he may develop rash, change the diaper brand.
While fastening a diaper for a baby boy, make sure that the penis is placed downwards; this will ensure that there are no leaks from the waistline.
Prevent diaper/nappy rash: Nappy rash is very common among babies, but if it lasts for over three days consult your doctor immediately. Tips to prevent and heal nappy rash:
Change nappy as quickly as possible every time the baby wet his nappy or soils it.
Use nappy rash cream to prevent rashes. Use a cream that contains zinc oxide, which acts as a barrier against moisture.
Do not use a diaper for your baby for a few hours each day.
While washing cloth nappies use detergents that are dye and fragrance free.
These tips should be able to give use a good start to learning to clean your baby and diaper him.

A baby is such a joy to be around with. He laughs for no reason and makes you smile along with him. When there is a baby at home, time seems to fly. You don’t come to know when morning turns into noon, noon into evening and evening into night. However, when a baby is growing, you need to be sure that you are making him indulge in the right of activities. This is because it is during this stage that he learns most of his skills. At the same time, remember that the activities that were good for him at 6 months will not have the same utility when he is 12 months old. In the following lines, we have provided some fun activities for a one year old kid, which will also serving his learning needs.
Activities for One Year Old BabyReadingWhen a baby is around 1 years old, he starts speaking a bit. This is the time you should read out stories to him. Make sure that the storybook you get for him has a lot of pictures in it. This way, he will keep himself busy by looking at the colorful photos and might eventually develop a habit of reading books. However, get a book that is sturdy enough to withstand his ‘destructive’ hands.
Emptying and FillingAnother activity that can easily catch the attention of a one-year old kid is that of emptying and filing. Give him a container and a wide dish. Fill the container with items such as raisins, which even if eaten by him will pose no problem. Show him how to take the raisins out of the container, into the dish, and then, how to put them back in. Leave him with both the things and see him learning as well as having fun.
SortingJunk mail is no longer a problem for you; rather it can be one of the best ways to keep your toddler busy. Take out all your junk mail in front of your baby. First, show him how to take the letter out of the envelope and then, display the procedure of putting the letter back in. He will keep himself entertained, while you will hardly be concerned about the tearing of the letters.
StackingWhen a child turns one year old, one of the best activities for him is stacking. It teaches him the necessary quality of balance. Get building bricks for him and teach him how to build a tower, knock it down and then build it again. While the building is all about balance, the knocking shows him that each of his activities leads to some or the other effect.
ScribblingKids love to scribble on paper, though they know nothing about alphabets, numbers or even colors. One of the fun activities for a one-year old is scribbling. Buy a large box of crayons for him and give him huge sheets of paper to play with. However, make sure that after giving him the crayons, you keep all the important documents out of his reach.
Breast milk or formula
Iron-fortified cereals (rice, barley, oats)
Pureed or strained fruits (banana, pears, peaches, etc)
Pureed or strained vegetables (well-cooked carrots, sweet potato, etc)
Eight to Ten Months Breast milk or formula
Small amounts of soft, pasteurized cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese
Iron-fortified cereals (rice, barley, wheat, oats, mixed cereals, etc)
Mashed fruits (bananas, peaches, pears, avocados, etc)
Mashed vegetables (cooked carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc)
Finger foods (lightly toasted bread, small pieces of ripe banana, teething crackers. low-sugar cereal, etc)
Small amounts of protein (egg yolk, well-cooked and mashed beans, split peas, etc)
Non-citrus juice like apple or pear (dilute with two parts of water)
Ten to Twelve MonthsBreast milk or formula
Soft, pasteurized cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc
Iron-fortified cereals (rice, barley, wheat, oats, mixed cereals, etc)
Fruits, cut into cubes or strips
Bite-size, soft-cooked vegetables (peas, carrots, etc)
Protein (egg yolk, well-cooked and mashed beans, split peas, etc)
Finger foods (lightly toasted bread, small pieces of ripe banana, teething crackers. low-sugar cereal, etc)
Non-citrus juice (apple or pear)

Though it sounds to be fun and easy, babysitting is by no means child’s play. Taking care of small kids is infact, one of the most difficult chores in the world. You have to keep them occupied at all times, so that they do not end up breaking something, hurting someone or injuring themselves. One of the best ways to keep kids busy is by absorb them in fun games. It will provide them the much needed entertainment and also help you ease off the vigil a bit and have some free time for yourself. In the following lines we have provided a number of babysitting games, for keeping the kids absorbed.
Fun Babysitting GamesMarco PoloMarco Polo is one of the favorite games of kids. All it requires is a group of children. One of the kids will be chosen to play the den and be ‘it’. He will be blindfolded and asked to locate other kids. His signal - when he will shout ‘Marco’, the other kids will reply with ‘Polo’. He will have to follow the sound and catch the others.
Red Light, Green LightOne of the kids will be the light signal. He will stand in the center of the room, while the other kids will be at a considerable distance from him. As he shouts ‘green light’, other kids will run towards him and when he shouts ‘red light’, they will stop. The one who reaches the closest to him at ‘green light’ will have to touch him and run away. If he gets caught, he will become the signal.
Hide and SeekAmongst the oldest as well as the most enjoyable game for kids is ‘hide and seek’. One of the kids will play the den and stand with his face towards a wall and eyes closed. As he counts from 1 to 20, other kids will go and hide. After the count is over, he will start looking for the hiding kids. The one he finds the first will play the next den.
Pen PencilMake all the kids, except one, sit in a circle. The one who is left out will go on tapping the head of each of the kids sitting in the circle, saying ‘pen, pen, pen…..’ Suddenly, while tapping any one kid, he will say ‘pencil’ and start running. The kid for whom he has said this will run after him. The first person to reach the empty space in the circle will win and the other will be out and play the tapper.
Papa SaysOne kid will play the den, while the other will stand around him, in a circle. He has to ask all the others to do something, starting the chore with ‘Papa says do…’ All the other kids have to do as he has asked. One of the times, he will say the chore, without adding ‘Papa says do…’ The kid who still follows the instruction will be out and play the den.

Babies are the extremely unpredictable. Till they start speaking, you find it difficult to understand why they are laughing and why they are crying. The only person who can understand a baby fully is his mommy. Still, they are times when even a mother is not able to pinpoint exactly why the baby is crying. What to do in such cases? The answer is, try to divert the mind of the baby with something else, like a toy, change of surroundings, some noise, and so on. In the following lines, we have provided a numbers of ways to soothe a crying baby.
How to Soothe a Crying BabyBabies are so small and vulnerable that it is very natural that they feel insecure every now and then. Taking a crying baby in your arms will make him feel safe and secure. Infact, whatever is the reason for the crying of a baby, taking him in your arms has all the chances of pacifying him.
Breastfeeding is a very special time for the baby, when he feels the closest to his mother. Nursing a baby can help calm down your baby when he is hungry, as well as otherwise.
In case you cannot breastfeed your baby at the moment, give him something else to suck on. Things like bottle nipple, pacifier, his own fingers, teething toy, etc help pacify a baby.
Babies love rhythmic motions such as rocking, swinging, swaying, jiggling, etc. It also helps take their mind away from whatever has been bothering them. So, the next time your baby starts crying for no plausible reason, try rocking or swaying him lightly.
Provide some continuous and uniform noise. It will help distract him from crying. It may be any static sound, like that of heartbeat, rain, vacuum cleaner, mixer, and so on.
Light, soothing music works very good for pacifying crying babies. Why do you think mothers have been singing lullabies since ages? You can hum any lullaby or even a soothing music number for him. Another alternative is to keep lullaby CDs or CDs with soft songs with you at all times.
Physical contact is one of the best ways to soothe a baby and massage is one of the ways through which you can maintain physical contact with your baby. Gently massage his body with baby oil and stroke him lightly. You can also try a rhythmic pat on his back or bottom.
Take your baby outside. It might be possible that he is tired of the same surroundings. Bringing him outdoors will change the scenery as well as make him breathe some fresh air.
If you have just finished feeding your baby, try burping him. It might be possible that the baby is not able to burp properly and is crying because of that only.

Among the first few decisions you will be faced with upon becoming a parent is whether to use cloth diaper or disposable diaper. If you are not a parent already, you might even find this question a little funny or unimportant, but in reality is not really! Whether you are using cloth or disposable diapers for your newborn can have lots of consequences – on your little one’s health and comfort, the environment and your own financial budget. This article, thus, enumerates the pros and cons of both cloth baby diapers and disposable ones to help you arrive at a decision.
Cloth Baby DiapersRead below the pros and cons of the cloth baby diapers in comparison to the disposable baby diapers.
Pros of Cloth Baby Diapers Since the cloth baby diapers can be used again after washing and drying, they ultimately cost much less in comparison to the disposable baby diapers.
There occurs less diaper-rash when using cloth diapers on babies. This is because natural cotton fibers breathe more easily.
When maintained very hygienically, the cloth baby diapers can be used for subsequent children as well.
Cloth diapered children tend to potty-train earlier than those using disposable diapers.
Cons of Cloth Baby Diapers Though parents have now begun using Velcro for fastening cloth baby diapers, the more popular trend is to fasten them using diaper pins.
There are certain daycare centers that do not prefer kids using cloth diapers.
Cloth baby diapers, especially used ones, do not make a favorable sight when out in
public with child. They are inconvenient for traveling also.
Can leak more than disposables when not used properly.
Disposable Baby DiapersRead below the pros and cons of disposable baby diapers as compared to the cloth diapers.
Pros of Disposable Baby Diapers 
Disposable diapers are easy to use. Disposing them is definitely easier than washing for re-use like in cloth diapers.
Disposables can be instantly discarded off after use
You can easily pack these neat and clean readymade disposable diapers in your luggage while traveling.
These leak less than cloth diapers.
Moreover, they have a tight, snug fit.
Cons of Disposable DiapersDisposable diapers are expensive compared to the cloth diapers. Being a use and throw, you will end up spending much more by using disposable baby diapers.
Unhealthy for environment. Study says each year about five million tons of untreated waste gets dumped in form of disposables.
Kids don’t feel as much wetness with disposables. So it is more tough to potty-train them.
Studies state disposable baby diapers cause more diaper-rash.
Sodium polyacrylate chemical is employed to ensure the super-absorbency of disposable diapers. This is said to cause allergic reactions.

Heimlich maneuver is the name given to abdominal thrusts performed on an individual, under his diaphragm. The main aim of giving the thrusts is to help a person, who is choking on a foreign object, clear his airway. Through the thrusts, a person lifts the diaphragm of the ailing individual and forces out air from his lungs. The result is an artificial cough, which moves out the foreign particle from the airway. Heimlich maneuver is used in case of both adults and children. However, in the latter case, the person who is giving it has to be very gentle.
How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Babies & InfantsFirst of all, open the mouth of the baby and peek inside to check whether you can see the object that is causing the choking. If you can see it, put your finger inside his mouth and try to sweep out the object.
If you cannot see the object leading to choking, it will be the best to move ahead with the Heimlich maneuver.
Make the baby lie on his back, on a table or any other hard surface. The other option is to make him sit on your lap, facing away from you.
If you go for the first option, stand or in front of the infant. Otherwise, support his body with your thigh.
Place the first and middle finger of your left hand above the baby's navel, the distance should be around one finger's.
Place your right hand on your left wrist and give gentle, but firm, upward thrusts to the baby's upper abdomen.
Repeat atleast 5-6 times. If the baby starts coughing or crying, it means that his airway is getting cleared.
After the foreign object comes out of the airway, make your baby lie down and seek further medical help.
Tips Make sure to apply the Heimlich maneuver on a baby very gently. Otherwise, you might end up hurting him.
If the baby is coughing hard, wait for a few seconds before giving the Heimlich maneuver. It might be possible that he expels the object himself.
If the baby loses consciousness while giving the maneuver, abort it and begin CPR.

Generally thumb sucking is not a matter to worry about; babies develop this habit out of the sucking quest. Most of the times, babies can be seen using a pacifier or sucking their thumb or fingers. Actually it comforts baby and has a soothing and calming effect. Infants do feel like sucking all the time. It’s quite surprising but yes, some infants start sucking thumb in their mother’s womb itself. Thumb sucking is a comforting action and if your child is also prone to it, there is necessarily no need of restricting it.
Thumb Sucking and PacifiersInfants, who are adequately breastfed, usually don’t develop this habit though in some cases, they do. During the period of breastfeeding, pacifiers must be avoided at least till the child gets 4-6 weeks old so that the breastfeeding doesn’t get disturbed. If your child uses pacifier, prefer to restrict its use, like when the baby seems to require the self-comforting behavior. Don’t use pacifier whenever the baby cries instead prefer to comfort him/her by holding in your hands. In case you need to use it, then use a one-piece commercial pacifier. Watch out and never allow the infant to get habitual of falling asleep with a pacifier.
How to Stop Thumb Sucking ChildWhat has been said earlier, thumb sucking or using pacifier is not harmful till the time it is not affecting your child. However, parents must endeavor to wean their child from thumb sucking or using a pacifier when the baby gets 6-9 months old. After six months of age, use of pacifier must be restricted to the time when the baby lies in crib. This way he/she will begin to lose interest in it. Scientifically, this comforting behavior affects the child’s communication skills if not restricted before his/her third birthday. Here are provided some tips to help your child give up thumb or pacifier sucking.
Tender a reward or special treat to encourage your child to give up sucking.
Praise your child and give due attention whenever he/she is not sucking thumb or pacifier.
Start restricting the use of thumb or pacifier. Like, start with bedroom then house and so on.
Poke a hole in the pacifier and cut off its end so that air can be brought out.
With other comforts, such as, holding her hand when she feels appears sad, replace the comfort of sucking.
Give the child another alternative, and make his/her mouth busy by singing, playing any musical instrument or ingesting any snack.
Ask your child as regards how he/she would like to give up thumb or pacifier sucking.
Don’t nag your child about his/her habit of sucking because such anxiety would result in need of extra comfort by pacifier or thumb.
When you find your child is motivated to stop, then cover his/her hands with mitten or glove just to remind that he/she was about to suck thumb.

Many a times, it so happens that toddlers wake up from a peaceful sleep, screaming, crying and distressed. Even though you calm the baby down and put him/her back to sleep, you cannot help but think and try to find out what is bothering your child that he/she is won’t get a good night’s sleep. More often than not, it is nothing but the problem of night terrors. Night terrors are different from nightmare. The basic difference between nightmare and night terror is that the former happens when the body is preparing to sleep and the latter happens in deep sleep.
Problem of Night FearsAlmost 5% of toddlers get up screaming, crying, whimpering or even jolting right out of the bed due to night fear or night terror. Sometimes, it so happens that the toddler has his eyes wide open, but not realize that you are standing in front him. Often, after the night terror, the toddler might soundly go off to sleep as if nothing happened. In a nightmare, the child realizes that he has had a bad dream. Though night terrors are harmless and fade away with age, many parents get immensely worried about the well-being of their child. You need to keep a constant watch over the child and see that they don’t hurt themselves.
How to Deal with Night TerrorYou need to remember that you may face some hostility and not really be able to calm down the toddler immediately. This is mainly because the child is in a state of partial sleep. He is neither awake nor asleep. That is why your presence doesn’t register in his mind. Even though his eyes may be open, he cannot really see you. Your natural instinct will be the most helpful in dealing with night terror. Just pick up your toddler and soothe him down, hugging him in your arms.
If he turns hostile, put him down close tot you and don’t try to shake him off that state or speak to him. Within 10-20 minutes, your baby will automatically calm down, curl and go to sleep. If you notice a set time or pattern of night terrors, you can gently wake up your child after a sleep of a couple of hours, just before the night terror sets in. This should alter his sleep patterns and help him pass through it without any glitches.

Potty training is an integral part of the growing up process of a child, be it a girl or a boy. It can be quite messy and even frustrating at times. However, it is one of the most important stages in the development and progress of toddlers. Obviously, the task of potty training a girl, mostly even a boy, falls in the hands of the mother only. Don’t worry! You can surely toilet train your little princess, all you need are some basic tips. In this article, we have provided complete information on potty training girls.
Tips for Toilet Training Baby Girls After you think your little princess is big enough to go the toilet on her own, it is the time to start toilet training.
The potty training starts as soon as you get out of the bed. When you go to the bathroom, take your little girl along with you. Let her see how you use the potty.
After you are done with it, make her sit on the potty and tell her that it is her turn now.
If you received success in the previous step, make sure to praise your daughter (please don’t overdo). In the opposite case, react in a normal way and proceed to the next step.
Till now, you must have been using diapers for your child. Now, it is the time to stop using diapers and start using cloth undergarments, especially during the daytime. This will make her aware of the uncomfortable feeling when she pees or poops inside the cloth. The best will be to use thick cloth pull up underwear, which is easy to put on and take off.
Whenever your daughter pees or poops inside the underwear, take her to the bathroom and make her sit on the pot. Do this even if she is finished with her potty. Thereafter, dump the poop in the diaper in the pot and tell her this is where it belongs. Don’t be angry; say it with a smile on your face. It will help her realize the use of potty.
If your daughter doesn’t soil her undergarments for two hours at a stretch, take her to the bathroom and make her sit on the potty. You can even make the "pss psss” sound to facilitate the process. But, please be patient and let her take as much time as she wants.
Repeat the above two steps throughout the day. This will help her develop a habit of pooping inside the pot.
Usually kids pee while bathing. Be sure to make her sit on the pot a few minutes before bathing her. This will help her understand that she has to reach the pot before peeing.
Lastly, make your daughter sit on the potty just before putting her to sleep.
Thereafter, put on a disposable diaper so that both of you can sleep soundly during the night.
Continue using the steps mentioned above, till the time you feel that you daughter is perfectly toilet trained. Nursing a cranky toddler in the middle of the night is often irksome. A child who abruptly wakes up during the night, or a child who resists going to bed altogether, can be a source of great discomfort to his/her parents. Especially if you are a working parent, having to deal with a grumpy toddler every night can mess up your professional life. Generally 20% of toddlers suffer from various sleeping disorders for a variety of reasons. But, it is always better if it is not your child who is also contributing to the digits. If you are a parent who is bothered by sleeping disturbances in your toddler, just go through this article and get all the answers on relevant questions about your child’s sleep problems.
The Signs‘Narcolepsy’ or difficulty in waking up in the morning
‘Nocturnal Enuresis’ or bedwetting
‘Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome’ (snoring and breathing disorders while sleeping)
Bedtime resistance and refusal to go to bed
Constant and abrupt night awakenings
Excessive coughing and sweating at night
Lack of proper bed time routine
Night terrors (accompanied by screams and shouts)
Sleepwalking and Sleep talking at night
Tips to Sleep TightDevelop a healthy and consistent night time routine for your child. Stick to the routine and see that there are no discrepancies in the same.
• Never engage in games and activities that give a boost to your toddler’s activity level before bedtime.
• Create a calm and restful environment before your child goes to sleep. Narrate pleasant bedtime stories, followed by a good night kiss.
• Provide a stuffed animal or a soft toy if your child sleeps alone. It will make him feel secure. Also leave the door open if the child insists.
• You can play some soothing music in a very low volume, to ease the
atmosphere, before your child goes to sleep.
• Make sure that the dim lights are turned on. It is always better not to make your toddler sleep in total darkness.
• Regulate the temperature of the room as required. See that the blinds and windows are closed and the fan/AC is properly adjusted.
• Provide the child with a cup of warm milk every night. Lie down with him for sometime, but make sure you leave before he falls asleep.
Try out these tips and provide a relaxing nighttime atmosphere for your toddler. If you still fail to notice any changes in the child, it is better to consult and seek guidance from a pediatrician.

Most doctors say that little boys take longer to get toilet rained than girls. The prime reason for this is the fact that mothers are the ones who toilet train boys. Without a male role model, they find it a bit difficult to cope up with toilet training. They take a bit longer to get used to the idea of using the bathroom. Another reason is that toilet training for boys is a two-way process. They first need to learn it sitting down and then master it standing up. If you have been racking your brains over how to potty train boys, check out these tips below that will surely help you.
Initially, train your little boy to do his daily ablutions sitting down. This makes them master the basic procedure first. Little kids often have bowl movements and urine at almost the same time and if you don’t want a mess in the bathroom, it is better to train him doing it sitting.
Little boys who have just started to walk and run around may have a bit of trouble balancing, peeing while standing. The last thing you want is to have him topple over and associate toilet training with pain! So train him for some months sitting down so that he can approach one thing at a time.
Once he knows how to use the bathroom by himself, you can teach him to urinate, standing up. Often, little boys insist on peeing like a ‘big boy’ and imitate their elder siblings or other men. Have his dad or big brother accompany him in the toilet and teach him how to pee without creating a mess.
You can also teach him how to aim inside the potty chair first and then slowly proceed to the toilet bowl. Little boys consider it no less than an achievement when they pee inside the bowl, standing up and without creating a mess. Praise him when he does that.
Be sure the toilet lid doesn’t come crashing down when he is peeing! Teach him he needs to flush the bowl after he is done, replace the lid and wash his hands. These things are also an integral part of his training and need to be taught along with other things. If the toilet bowl is a bit higher, have a low rise stool for him to stand on while peeing. Accompany him till he learns how to balance himself.

In today’s world, when stores are crammed with so many types of diapers, it becomes quite difficult for parents to select the best diaper for their child. So, if you’re brainstorming about how to buy diapers, this article could be of immense help to you. Since diapers make an important part of baby’s clothing, until he is potty trained, the right choice of diaper, which ensures comfort, becomes crucial. Amidst vast collection of diapers, the following tips would help you to choose right diapers for your toddler.
Tips For Buying DiapersThe very first thing before buying diaper is whether you want cloth or disposal diapers for your child. People also prefer buying disposable diapers for the reason that they can be easily disposed. Other reason is they can be changed and disposed off in public. They are usually comfortable due to their elastic bands. After some time, these diapers need to be changed. So, it becomes a little expensive choice.
For years, cloth diapers have been used to wrap up babies. This option is still open to parents. Many people still prefer cloth diaper, considering that its soft natural fibers, with least chemicals, will never harm the skin of the child. It proves to be economical also, since it can be reused after a wash.
In case you opt for disposable diapers, you are required to know what size of diaper would be perfect for your tot. Some diapers are available in sizes 1 to 6, whereas others are offered as small, medium, large and extra large. Usually diaper box suggest a size apt to baby’s age and weight.
Since disposable diapers are quite expensive, always try to find coupons and sales, so that you can avail discounts on them.
Diapers come in variety, so check out whether to buy one with tape or Velcro fasteners. There are also extra absorbent diapers, while others comprise extra padding on the back. Some can be converted into pants and some are specially designed for overnight wearing. Make out which type of diaper will suit your baby the best.
The most important tip is ensuring that the diapers you’re buying offers a snug fit and is not very tight.
Best Diaper Brands in IndiaPampers
Wipro Baby-Soft

Piercing the ears of babies is a personal choice of parents. Some like to get it pierced early while some wait till the baby grows up a bit. Most pediatricians recommend that you wait for a bit till the baby is old enough to look after the pierced area. Ear piercing is not new and one can trace the tradition back to almost 6000 years back when this system was prevalent in the ancient African tribes. Today, piercing is a form of body art that is adopted by many people to look good and make a statement.
When to Pierce Baby EarsMost people get the ears of a baby girl pierced when the baby is around 6-7 months old. This is considered to be the proper age for getting the ears of a baby pierced. The practice of ear piercing is widely prevalent in the Hindu culture. Usually, parents get the ears of the baby pierced just before the first birthday. Not just baby girls, even the ears of baby boys are pierced. The ear lobe is pierced at a particular place by the professional as it is supposed to have acupuncture properties. However, you must be careful only to go to a professional as they know exactly which point to pierce.
Look Out For...Allergic Reaction
Though most babies are fine with gold, some may be allergic to it. The best metal to use is stainless steel as it is hypo allergic. The most common signs of allergic reactions are unexplained fever, pus formation, etc.
Small babies rub their ears a lot or keep fiddling with the site that has been pierced. Due to this, there is a chance that the earring may come off and prompt the child to swallow it out of curiosity. Keep a watch on it!
Since the immune systems of babies are still being developed, there are chances that the baby might catch infection. To ensure this does not happen, clean the site of piercing everyday with a swab of cotton dipped in an anti-septic or anti-bacterial liquid.
Type of Earring
The type of earring you use is of utmost importance. Too tight or too small or earrings that are clasped onto the ear lobe should be avoided. Opt for small studs that are easily able to move forth and back allowing some air to pass through the piercing. Else, you can opt for small rings that are easy to move around. Avoid anything that has a sharp protruding edge or dangles.

Most women who have very young babies are wary about when to start giving the child cereals. It depends on not just your baby’s age and weight and but also many other things. Some babies may be ready for cereals in 3 months, while some may take a little longer. Usually, doctors recommend that one can start giving the baby cereals between 4-6 months. Whatever you do, don’t rush your baby into having cereals just because he/she is four months old. Here are a few signs to watch out for to determine whether your baby is ready for cereals.
The baby holds his/her head steady and sits with support
Tries to reach out for food and shows interest
Opens mouth when he/she sees food
No longer thrusts the tongue out during feeding. Food stays in the mouth and the baby swallows it
The Best TimeBabies can be given cereals when they are between four to six months. Usually, this is the time when the automatic thrusting of the tongue stops and the baby starts to show interest in food. Begin by giving the cereal once a day. Don’t switch the cereals too often and wait for a few days before introducing new food. Very gradually increase the volume of the cereal given or you may start giving it twice a day, the best options being morning and evening.
The First BitesWhen introducing baby cereal for the first time, make sure the consistency is thin and runny. Mix the cereal with breast milk to make it thin. Cereals that are made out of rice, barley or oatmeal cereals are best if they are ground finely. Don’t use cow’s milk or baby formula without consulting your doctor. The baby should be seated on a chair or a baby seat that has straps to strap-on if you feel the baby may fall. Use a small spoon to feel the baby. At first, he/she may take small and messy bites and may play with the food inside the mouth. But that is how they learn to eat!

Taking the temperature of child presents a number of choices as well as some minor difficulties. There are a number of ways through which you can take the temperature of a child. The most popular amongst these methods are rectal method, auxiliary method and oral method. The method to be used mainly depends upon the age of the child. In this article, we will tell you all about taking infant temperature reading.
Things NeededMercury/Digital Thermometer
Petroleum Jelly
Rectal MethodRectal method is recommended for taking temperature of infants under three months.
Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.
Dab a little petroleum jelly or any other lubricator on the tip of the thermometer. This is to ensure that the tip easily slides inside the butt.
Make your child lie face down on your lap or on a flat surface (I would suggest your lap).
Separate the buttocks of the baby and gently insert the tip of the thermometer inside the anal opening.
Insert the thermometer till its bulb or silver tip is completely covered or stops being visible.
Hold the buttocks of the baby with one hand, placing the thermometer between your fingers. This will ensure that the thermometer remains at its place.
Keep sitting in the position for 3-5 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.
Gentle take out the thermometer from the anal opening and record the temperature immediately.
Auxiliary (Underarm) MethodAuxiliary method, in which the thermometer is placed inside the underarm, is best for recording temperature of children who are 3 months to 4 years old.
Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.
Remove your child’s shirt as well as vest. Now, clean his armpit and let it dry.
Place the thermometer under the arm of the baby and hold it down.
Keep on holding his arm, to make sure that the thermometer remains in place.
Keep sitting in the position for 3-5 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.
Gentle take out the thermometer from the underarm and record the temperature immediately.
Oral MethodThe oral method of taking temperature is made use of, in children above four years of age.
Take temperature atleast 20 to 30 minutes after your child has had something to eat or drink.
Take mercury or digital thermometer. Before taking temperature, make sure that the reading on either of them is under 95 deg F.
Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue of the child. Ask him to press together his lips in such a way that the thermometer remains in place.
Tell him not to bite the thermometer and breathe through his nose and keep quiet.
Make him stay in the position for 1-2 min; in case of a mercury thermometer, or till you hear a beep, in case of digital thermometer.
Gentle take out the thermometer from the mouth and record the temperature immediately.
How to Interpret Your Child's TemperatureWhile interpreting your child’s temperature, keep the following tips in mind.
In case of rectal method, the temperature should be below 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Celsius).
In case of auxiliary method, the temperature should be below 99° Fahrenheit (37.2° Celsius).
In case of oral method, the temperature should be below 99.5° Fahrenheit (37.5° Celsius).
If you child’s temperature is at or above the above-mentioned limits, it means that he has fever. Consult a doctor immediately.
TipsMake sure to wash the tip of thermometer with soap and water after every use.
In case of digital thermometer, read the instructions carefully before use.